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This post brought to you by the letter “Z”

17 December 2008











Za-pa-ta-zo-is-ta 1) Of, or related to the actions of one Muntazer al-Zaidi, a journalist who told George W. Bush on 14 December 2008 what everybody in the world thought, but hadn’t said… that Bush deserved the boot!

2) One who appropriately responds to bullshit.

10 Comments leave one →
  1. 17 December 2008 8:57 am

    Excellent! I will link.

  2. 17 December 2008 10:40 am


  3. stevie ray permalink
    17 December 2008 10:49 am

    Of all the people living in the U.S. under this “King, Crown of Fools”
    It took an Iraqi….

  4. pablo permalink
    17 December 2008 12:33 pm

    ha ha… hilarious. i’m so going to foward this.

  5. elmateo permalink
    17 December 2008 9:11 pm

    A bad week for news in Lat’n America – violence everywhere. This brightened my day. Gracias!

  6. 17 December 2008 9:29 pm

    Oh joy!

  7. 17 December 2008 9:40 pm

    Viva Zapata! Er, zapatos. Er. Zapatoistas?

  8. 18 December 2008 2:15 pm

    I still disagree that this person should be praised. As I stated in my blog, as horrible a president as W. Bush has been, he is still the President. Of course I am speaking within the United States. He should be lampooned, he should be cursed, he should be held accountable in an international court for his imperialist actions, etc. We are all frustrated with the last eight years of his hegemony. But, what do such actions accomplish? They relieve some stress and anger. And where does it end. Do we accept rocks thrown at him? How about a Molotov cocktail?

  9. elmateo permalink
    19 December 2008 8:41 am

    If journalist’s questions are screened, the news simply repeats the lies that come out of politicians mouths, and the media itself is treated as and thinks that it is a servant of the Holy President than any act of resistance becomes revolutionary.

    Sorry, but “respectability” and “dignity” are bourgeois concepts to keep people from being anything more than servants.

  10. 30 December 2008 2:27 am


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